Orrell Newfold Community Primary

Orrell Newfold Community Primary

Enriching the lives of all

St James Road, Orrell, Wigan, Lancashire, WN5 7BD


01942 207134

Our School


On these pages you will find key information and documents about Newfold Community Primary School

You can find our school prospectus, term dates along with our sports and pupil premium information.

Should you have any queries/questions or require any paper copies of documents that are on our school website then you can contact our school office via email at:


*Use the menu bar on the right by clicking on the arrow and selecting your page.* 


In the school year 2025-2026 we intend to admit a maximum of 60 children into our Reception classes.


Families are welcome to come to school to look round and talk to the Headteacher before making their final choice of school.  Parents/Carers are asked to choose three primary schools and list them in order of preference on the application form.


To help make your decision, you should read the Wigan Council booklet, “Applying for a Reception Place 2025”.
This is available online at www.wigan.gov.uk and by following the link to Primary School Admissions.


If you are unable to access the booklet online, you may request a printed copy from the School Organisation Team, on  01942 489013.


The completed forms may then be returned to any Wigan primary school during their opening hours.  Applications may also be completed online. The closing date for applications is the  15th January 2025.


If the school receives more applications than places available, the oversubscription criteria* will be applied, once places have first been allocated to pupils who have an Educational Healthcare Plan (EHCP) which names the school.


*Please refer to the online information which details the oversubscription criteria for Newfold Community Primary School.


The Local Authority will send letters/e-mails allocating places on the 16th April 2025 and the offer of a place is conditional upon the parent/carer returning the acceptance slip to the school by the date stated on the letter.  Failure to return this slip could result in the loss of that place should the school be over-subscribed.  The parents/carers of the new children are invited into the school in the June/July prior to their child starting school.  This is to enable them to meet their child’s new teacher and to find out about the school.


We recommend a short period of part-time attendance to start with as this enables the children to settle into school.

 IMPORTANT- Please note that attendance at Newfold’s Nursery does not guarantee a place in Newfold’s Reception.
There is a separate application process for mainstream school.

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