Miss Huxley, Miss Diamond,
Mrs Farrell, would like to welcome you to Year 5.
Should you have any questions or queries, Year 5 staff can be contacted via email at:
Please find below our Year 5 Curriculum Overview, which outlines the units that will be covered throughout the year.
Please find a resource list below for a range of online learning that you may wish to access during the school year.
Year 5 News!
Games sessions take place on Monday and PE sessions are on Thursdays. Children can come into school in their PE/Games kits and remain in them all day.
Reading Books
Please try to encourage your child to read at least three times a week. Diaries are collected every Friday and should be signed by a parent/carer.
School Library
Read any good books recently? Make sure you log into the school library and review your books or even recommend a new one!
School Library
Upcoming Events
Our first Muddy Boots session with our Nursery Buddies will take place on the week commencing Monday 20th November. The children will explore the school grounds and make clay hedgehogs together.
As part of our next science topic: Space, the children will be experiencing a workshop in an inflatable planetarium in school on Tuesday 28th November. The WonderDome provides an inspiring learning experience covering all aspects of space. From the Solar System, how it all works together, the size of the planets, space exploration including the Apollo Moon landings, the International Space Station and future missions. We share pictures of this amazing experience with you soon...